Unley Bicycle User Group
Cyclists of Unley
The Unley BUG is beginning a project to catalogue and share the stories of the wonderful and diverse people who cycle in Unley. By sharing some of these stories, we hope to show the wider community that 'cyclists' are really just everyday people.
So, whether you ride to work of for leisure, to take your children to school (or if you ride yourself there!), to the shops or to race on the weekends, we want to hear from you!.
If you are interested in sharing your story, please send a photo of yourself and your bike to ubug.secretary@gmail.com along with answers to the following questions:
What does cycling mean to you?
What do you like about living in Unley?
Tell us about your bike; what do you like, what does it mean to you?
If there was one change you would like to see in your local area, what would it be?