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Past Social Rides

December 2023 - Inner East Ramble


Follow us through the laneways and leafy streets of Adelaide's inner east!

šŸ“Village Green/Unley Town Hall carpark on Oxford Terrace
ā° 8.45am for a 9am roll out
šŸ—“ļø Saturday, December 2
šŸš² An all bikes, ages and abilities welcome ~15km social ride through Unley and the eastern suburbs
ā˜• Coffee and chats at @ridecontour to finish

All are welcome.

November 2023 - Mitcham and Brownhill


A pleasant and social approximately 15km ride through Unley and Mitcham and finishing with coffee and chats.

October 2023 - Kensington Wetlands Coffee Ride


For October, we'll be doing COFFEE OUTSIDE at the new Kensington Wetlands! Bring along your favourite brew and join us for a cruise through some of the best bikeways of the east.

šŸ•˜ 1hr riding time (approx)
ā˜•ļø Coffee and chats at the Kensington Wetlands
šŸ¦† Ducks expected.
šŸžļø New routes through the east expand your horizons from Unley!

Big thank you to Burnside Bicycle User Groupfor the feedback and assistance in creating this route.

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Spotting Koalas at Belair National Park


The days are getting longer and the Spring Equinox Ride is almost upon us! After whetting our loose-surface appetites with a rowdy loop of the City Parklands in Winter, this time we will make our first foray into the foothills with a sojourn up to the stunning Belair National Park.
If youā€™ve gazed wistfully at the hills on your evening commute home or raised an eyebrow at the word ā€˜gravelā€™ but did not know where/how/who to ride with, this is the ride for you! Weā€™ll be travelling at a casual pace and wonā€™t be leaving anyone behind. However, these rides have been conceived as something of a ā€˜step upā€™ from our regular social rides, so if youā€™re thinking of attending please keep the following in mind:
- Weā€™ll be riding into the hills, so thereā€™ll be climbing involved. 500+ metres of it, in fact. At some points itā€™ll be so steep thereā€™s no choice but to push your bike! Exercise makes you live longer, right? šŸ˜…
- Ensure youā€™re comfortable riding your bike on loose surfaces. We recommend a bike with a tyre of 35mm width minimum for comfort and control.
- Bring along a spare tube or a way to fix punctures.
- Ensure you bring adequate water and sunscreen.
- Get your koala-spotting eyes ready. We always see a handful up at Belair!

Parklands to Prospect


A ~20km loop through the park lands into Prospect, with coffee at Contour to finish.

All bikes and all abilities welcome. We will be sticking to quiet streets and separated paths for the majority of the ride.

Oaklands Wetlands 'Coffee Outside' Ride


Thanks to all who made it to Saturdayā€™s monthly social ride! We rode our along the Mike Turtur Bikeway to enjoy coffee outside at the Oaklandā€™s Wetlands, before returning to Unley via the Marino Rocks Greenway.

River Torrens to Walkerville


In this installment we will be heading east, past the newly-revitalised winter wetlands, through the parklands, and up the Karrawirra Parri (River Torrens) a ways to Walkerville to give you a taste of a grand adventure. On the way back, we talk a detour to walk our bikes through the Adelaide Botanic Gardens for an adventure of a different kind!

A muddy adventure through parklands


Route drop for next Saturday's Winter Solstice Adventure ride! For our first adventure ride, we'll be taking willing participants on a loop of the Adelaide Parklands, seeking out some of the most beautiful and hidden unpaved trails.

  • 8am start

  • 26km distance

  • 20m of climbing Dirty, sandy and muddy surfaces - bring a bike with wider tyres (32mm+) and expect to get a bit dirty!

  • Plenty of adventure: you may have to squeeze through bushes, push your bike up slopes and/or keep a keen eye out for errant golf balls.

  • We'll be riding rain or shine

  • Coffee and chats at Ride Contour to finish

Unley, Bowden, North Adelaide, and Back!


Our next social ride is just around the corner!

All ages, abilities and bikes are welcome to join us Saturday morning for a social ride from Unley to Bowden and then back through North Adelaide to finish at @ridecontour for coffee.

  • Village Green/Unley Town Hall carpark on Oxford Terrace

  • 9am

  •  Saturday, June 3

  • A social and casual ~19km from Unley to Bowden and back making use of safe cycling paths

  • Finishing at Contour on Hutt Street

  • All bikes and abilities welcome.

Coffee Ride


For May, we've got a delicious COFFEE RIDE planned for you! Inspired by rides like 'Coffee Outside', we'll be getting out into nature for coffee and chats. This time we will be heading right into the foothills to a beautiful picnic ground along the Brownhill Creek.
Bring your own coffee along, or grab some from the BHC Caravan Park along the way!

Monthly social rides are BACK!
Join us for an all-ages, all-abilities ride on a Saturday morning!
We'll be travelling on some fantastic bike paths in and around Unley, and are likely to finish with coffee on the way.

March Ride


For next month's ride, we've planned a loop through the Southern Parklands and Goodwood/Unley backstreets.

Key points about the ride:

  •  13km / 1 hr

  •  Showcasing two routes between Unley and the City

  •  Tour of the wetlands

  •  Little-known laneways and shortcuts

  •  Creamy, premium gravel paths

  •  We will be seeing ducks

  •  Coffee and chats to follow

'Coffee Outside' Ride


For April, we've got a delicious COFFEE RIDE planned for you! Inspired by rides like 'Coffee Outside', we'll be getting out into nature for coffee and chats - all without leaving the City of Unley!

Find a ride to suit your style

Unley has a lot to offer cyclists and pedestrians of all abilties. Meet your community, join us for casual social ride, find a self-guided cycling or walking tour and explore Unley!

Unley Community Centre Ride

Every Tuesday, 9.30-10.30am

Unley Community Centre, Albert St, Unley


A casual ride exploring Unley and surrounds using on and off-road cycle infrastructure. From the city to the beach, it changes every week.


Open to all ages and abilities. Free to attend, no booking required, just turn up!


BYO bike. Coffee to follow.

Monthly Social Ride

First Saturday of the month, every month, 9.00-10.00am

Unley Civic Centre carpark, Oxford Tce, Unley


A casual ride in and around our city. Destinations and themes will vary month to month - come along and say hi!


Open to all ages and abilities. Free to attend, no booking required, just turn up! The tour uses on-road and separated cycle infrastructure.


More details are available on our Facebook page.

© 2021 David Elliott, Unley Bicycle User Group, Unley SA

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