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Keep safe and informed about cycling in Unley

Maps, routes, insurance and groups, everything you need to get on your bike and keep moving with confidence and safety. We've put together some useful resources to keep you up to speed.


Walking and Cycling Plan News

The City of Unley has passed the Walking and Cycling Plan!
The BUG assisted the Council by advising on community needs for walking and cycling across the city.

See the current Walking and Cycling Plan.

Unley Trouble Spot Reporting -
Let council know!

Got a dangerous crossing, run-down paths or an obstruction? Do you want clear wayfinding, safer paths and more facilities?

The Unley Council has developed an interactive Walking and Cycling Ideas map to help continuously improve our walking and cycling network.

Have your say here!



​Meeting Minutes

Our committee meets every two months to discuss plans for events and advocacy in Unley. We record all our meetings in our minutes.

Council/Department Submissions​

The BUG makes submissions to the City of Unley and the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to ensure the interests and welfare of bicycle users, pedestrians and mobility aid users are represented in transport projects and policy.

© 2021 David Elliott, Unley Bicycle User Group, Unley SA

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